Adult Events
Open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 1pm-7:30pm and Saturday 9:30am-5:30pm. Located at the front of our makerspace on the second floor, the Electric City Creative Craft Cafe is a space where patrons can work on a monthly rotating craft!
ReadLocal. Author Fair Application Submission
Are you an author, small publisher, or literary crafter? Then we want you for our annual author fair!
Ultimate Master Builders Challenge: Build a Boat
CHALLENGE: Build a boat in 1-hour!
Tweens, Teens, and Adults are invited to construct their creations using LEGO sets and timers provided by the library.
Legos will be available for:
Join us at the library every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 11-11:30 AM to learn stretches and yoga moves you can do from a chair!
Join us every Wednesday at Noon for 30-45 minutes of gentle yoga moves you can do from a chair. Increase your physical activity and relieve stress!
Sonic Lunch is a lunchtime concert series where you can bring your lunch and enjoy 45 minutes of great music in a variety of styles and genres performed by Greater Anderson Musical Arts Consortium (GAMAC) artists for FREE
Featured Services
Adult Programs

Something for everyone. Attend engaging programs for adults on a wide variety of topics. Visit our calendar of events to see what's happening in your local library.
Electric City Creative Makerspace

Learn and make in the Electric City Creative Makerspace. Explore a wide range of equipment and materials to unleash your creativity, or join a class to learn new skills and techniques.
LEAP Station Equipment

Ready. Set. Play! This badminton set for 4 sets up in minutes and has everything you need for a day of fun outdoors.

Life is tweet. Borrow our comprehensive birdwatching kit - binoculars, check. Field guides, check. Compass, check. Handy backpack to tote it all, check!

Flex your grey matter with our 'Brain Games' kit. Includes 3 brain games that will challenge your mind.
Consumer Reports

Covering categories such as cars, electronics, appliances and more, Consumer Reports contains ratings and reviews for thousands of products, money-saving tips, buying guides and videos.
Consumer Reports TutorialHeritageQuest

Research your family history from anywhere in the 1790-1950 U.S. Census, the full text of over 20,000 family and local histories, an index of 6,300 local history and genealogy periodicals, and a database of Revolutionary War pension and bounty-land warrant files.
HeritageQuest TutorialUniversal Class – Continuing Education Courses

More than 600 courses in 35 subject areas, anytime on any device, with real human instructors who grade assignments and provide feedback.
Universal Class Tutorial