Checkout Guidelines

Up to 30 items, but some item types have limits.


New Books – 2 weeks Books – 3 weeks DVDs – 1 week Other Items vary

Most items allow up to 2 renewals. Exceptions are common on new books since others are likely waiting.

The Anderson County Library is fine free! Items are charged to accounts after 60 days of being overdue, but as long as they are returned in good condition, the charges are removed.

Yes! Use it to make your account on the Digital Platforms like Libby, Hoopla, etc.

You can place a hold on the item and the Library will notify you when it is available for you to check out.

The Library will hold a book for you for 7 days.

Anderson is part of a statewide library consortium which gives us the ability to borrow items from across South Carolina.

Place a hold on the item and it will be sent to ACL for you to pick at the branch of your choice.