Microsoft Excel is a software program that allows users to organize, format and calculate data with formulas using a spreadsheet system. Explore the parts of a workbook and learn how to enter, edit and duplicate data.
Enjoy stories, songs, and fingerplays perfect for children ages birth to 5 years and their adult caregivers in this family storytime.
Join us as we use Kelly Jo Barnwell's personalized Over Easy for Senior Adults fitness program at the Belton Library. This program will aid in your ability to keep moving and building your strength.
Join us for this bi-weekly bookmobile stop!
Join us for Think Outside the Box Thursday! This fun and educational program is designed for ages 6-12. The first Thursday of the month is Lego Club! Check the calendar to see what we're doing the other Thursdays.
Do you have questions regarding Wills, Estates, and Probate? If you do, now is the time to ask a professional to get those answers.
Join us for a hands-on gardening workshop at the library, where you'll learn the basics of starting seeds to get a heads start on this spring’s growing season.
Cover to Cover Book Club meets the first Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. at the Powdersville Library. We will have hot tea and light snacks to share! This month we will discuss A Bad Day For Sorry by Sophie Littlefield.