Hear new and classic books and stories followed by interactive play great for practicing early literacy skills perfect for children ages 18 months to 3 years old and their adult caregiver.
Hear new and classic books and stories followed by interactive play great for practicing early literacy skills perfect for children ages 18 months to 3 years old and their adult caregivers.
Enjoy stories, songs, and fingerplays perfect for children ages birth to 5 years old.
Join us as we start out slowly with a healthy walking experience.
Join us at the library every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 11-11:30 AM to learn stretches and yoga moves you can do from a chair!
Join us every Wednesday at Noon for 30-45 minutes of gentle yoga moves you can do from a chair. Increase your physical activity and relieve stress!
Enter a world of colors, where YOU are the crayon! Embark on a journey through the land of crayons, and encounter challenges and successes in this creative board game, inspired by The Day the Crayons Quit!"
Create, build and express your creativity with LEGOs. LEGO Club meets every 1st and 3rd Wednesday at the Pendleton Library.