Happy New Year! Bet you’ve made some goals for 2025, and if one of those is to read more, you’ve come to the right place. I’d like to suggest several opportunities available to you that could help!
1. Join a book club. The library has 8 book clubs offered across the county and at various locations. Several are genre-based and may pique your interest in being the types of books you like to read. However, I’d like to also suggest that book clubs open you to new things you’d never pick up, and that’s a good thing! I personally co-lead the Brews and Books Club, and let me tell you that even if you only read part of the book, we still want you to attend and take part in the discussion, so just come on!
2. Participate in our latest Adult Reading Challenge – Chapter Chasers! This is our new reading program for adults and we are excited to try something new. There will be a theme, meetups, and fun each month!
3. The library will return with its early Books and Community event in March. This year we will read Dopesick by Beth Macy. The theme is addiction and we will have several discussions and programs surrounding the topic.
4. Finally – choose digital audiobooks! Don’t have time to sit and read? I get it! I myself am almost fully a listener these days and it helped me read 32 books in 2024!